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Direct & Indirect Object

Object merupakan bagian dari kalimat. Dalam kalimat terdapat dua macam object, yaitu direct object dan indirect object. 1. Direct Object Direct object biasanya digunakan untuk menjawab pertanyaan What dan Whom (apa dan siapa) setelah action verb dalam kalimat transitif (kalimat yang membutuhkan objek). Direct object umumnya terletak setelah verb, tetapi ada kalanya berada di belakang indirect object. Contoh: I have read the news. What has he read? News She bought some gifts. What did she buy? some gifts He called his dad. Whom did he call? his dad 2. Indirect Object Indirect object biasanya digunakan untuk menerangkan untuk apa atau untuk siapa (to whom, for whom, for what) sesuatu yang dilakukan oleh action verb dalam kalimat transitif. Indirect object dapat diletakkan sebelum direct object (terletak diantara verb dan direct object) atau dapat terletak setelah direct object dengan menambahkan to atau for. Contoh: She bought her friend some candies. – direct object: some candies (For w...
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Regular Verbs dan Iregular Verbs

1. Regular Verbs Regular verbs have similar endings: - ed, - d, or - ied. These endings are added to the base form. Examples: brush / brushed cook / cooked discuss / discussed fix / fixed jump / jumped look / looked mail / mailed need / needed open / opened Penambahan -ed pada Regular Verbs A. Verb Dalam Ejaan Normal Verb-verb dengan ejaan / spelling normal hanya perlu ditambah -ed pada akhir kata.  Examples: Call – called Entertain – entertained Push – pushed Pull – pulled Wish – wished B. Berakhiran Huruf -E Verb berakhiran huruf -e, akan mendapat tambahan -d saja.  Examples: Smoke – smoked Type – typed Smile – smiled Define – defined Invite – invited C. Berakhiran Huruf -Y Didahului Huruf Konsonan Verb yang berakhiran huruf -y dan didahului oleh huruf konsonan, bentuk V2 dan V3 nya, -y berubah menjadi -i dan ditambah -ed.  Examples: Cry – cried Try – tried Simplify – simplified Beautify – beautified Imply – implied D. Berakhiran -Y Didahului Hu...


Dalam bahasa Inggris ada istilah part of speech atau kelas kata. Salah satu part of speech adalah verbs.   Kata kerja (main verbs) memiliki makna yang berkaitan dengan action (tindakan), event (peristiwa/kejadian), dan state/stative (keadaan/situasi/kondisi). Definisi verbs (kata kerja) adalah kata yang menunjukkan: a. tindakan (contoh: to stand, to smile, to sing) b. kejadian (contoh: to happen, to become) c. keadaan (contoh: <to>be, to exist). c. sikap (contoh: to agree, to disagree). Berdasarkan fungsinya, verbs dibagi menjadi:  a. Action Verbs (kata kerja aksi) b. Linking Verbs (kata kerja penghubung) c. Auxiliary Verbs/Helping Verbs (kata kerja bantu) 1. Action Verbs Kata kerja yang tergolong ke dalam action verbs menyatakan kegiatan yang berupa aksi. Contohnya antara lain to run (berlari), to sleep (tidur), to bring (membawa). Berdasarkan objeknya, action verbs bisa dibagi lagi ke dalam dua jenis, yaitu Transitive Verbs dan Intransitive Verbs.  a. Transit...

TOEIC: The Reading Section

Definition The Reading Section tests your comprehension of written English and your ability to identify correct language use. There are three parts to this section. You will choose the correct words or phrases to complete sentences and answer comprehension questions about a variety of types of reading passages. Targeted Skills In order to do well on the Reading Section, you must be able to: • understand vocabulary pertaining to business and everyday activities. • identify correct grammatical forms. • identify correct word usage. • understand the main idea and details in a variety of types of reading passages. • make inferences about the information you read. • read and answer questions within the time given. The Parts of the Reading Section You will choose the best words or phrases to complete sentences. You will read passages with incomplete sentences and choose the best words or phrases to complete these sentences. You will read passages of varying types and lengths and answer compre...


You have to watch the video to find the answer to the questions below. This video was made by STIKI students as their project a few years ago. Get the video:  CLICK HERE Make it in Ms. Word, save as  PDF file format  by name  FINAL EXAM_CLASS_YOUR FULL NAME. Submit your work to the FINAL EXAM post in Google Classroom. 1. Is it true or false that you can find a miniature of Indonesia's archipelago inside the room? 2. What is called Bajra  which mentioned in the video ? 3. In what part we can find the Balinese architecture  mentioned in the video ? 4. What is the meaning of Dewata Nawa Sanga mentioned in the video? 5. Do we find the historical photo in every room?

Listening Practice_English II_PP

You have to watch the video to find the answer to the questions below. This video was made by STIKI students as their project a few years ago. Get the video:  CLICK HERE Make it in Ms. Word, save as  PDF file format  by name LISTENING PRACTICE_PP_YOUR FULL NAME. Submit your work to Google Classroom. 1. There are 4  several tickets, what are they and how much do we have to pay for each of them? 2. Is this tourism object open from 9 AM to 5 PM? 3. How wide the forest area is? 4. What kind of monkeys are living there? 5. Why is the tree called Lanang Wadon?

Tipe-Tipe Penelitian Kualitatif Dalam Penelitian Sosial

Banyak tipe yang dapat digunakan dalam penelitian kualitatif, antara lain: Case Study Research, Historical Research, Grounded Theory Methodology, Phenomenology, Ethnomethodology, dan Ethography. Studi kasus dapat juga dilakukan dalam bentuk penelitian kuantitatif, apabila data yang dikumpulkan dalam laporan penelitiannya lebih didominasi oleh data kuantitatif : seperti angka, tabel dan persentase. Di samping itu, studi kasus dapat juga dilakukan dalam penelitian gabungan (mixed research). Berikut beberapa tipe dan strategi yang dapat digunakan dalam penelitian kualitatif. 1. Studi Kasus (case studies) Apabila seseorang ingin memahami latar belakang suatu persoalan, atau interaksi individu di dalam suatu unit sosial atau mengenai suatu kelompok individu secara mendalam, utuh, holistik, intensif, dan naturalistic; maka penelitian kasus merupakan pilihan utama dibandingkan dengan jenis penelitian kualitatif lainnya. Dalam penelitian ini akan dapat diungkapkan gambaran yang mendalam dan me...