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Soal Latihan Bahasa Inggris: READING

The most familiar speleothems (from the Greek word spelaion for the cave and thema for deposit), the decorative dripstone features found in caves, are stalactites and stalagmites. Stalactites hang downward from the ceiling of the cave and are formed as drop after drop of water slowly trickles through crack on the cave roof. Stalagmites grow upward from the floor of the cave, generally as a result of water dripping from an overhead stalactite. A column forms when a stalactite and a stalagmite grow until they join. A “curtain” or “drapery” begins to form on an inclined ceiling when drops of water trickle along a slope.

Natural openings on the surface that lead to caves are called sinkholes. or swallow holes. Streams sometimes disappear down these holes and flow through the cavern. Rivers may flow from one mountain to another through a series of caves . Some caverns have sinkholes in their floors. Water often builds up a rim of dripstone around the edge of the hole. Dripping water often contains dissolved minerals as well as acid. These minerals too will be deposited; and they may give rich coloring to the deposits. If minerals in the water change, layers of different colors may be formed.

1.Stalagmites are formed by …
(A) drops of water which enter through cracks in the ceiling.
(B) underground rivers which flow through the cave.
(C) water dripping from an overhead stalactite.
(D) water which trickles down a slope.

2. Sinkholes are …
(A) the decorative dripstone features found in caves.
(B) natural openings on the surface that lead to caves.
(C) colorful layers of mineral deposits.
(D) None of the above

3. Which speleothem grows upward from the floor?
(A) Stalagmites
(B) Stalactites
(C) Sinkholes
(D) Curtains

4. An “inclined ceiling” is one which …
(A) is straight.
(B) is crooked.
(C) is slanted.
(D) is wet.

5. Which of the following are NOT caused by dripping water?
(A) Stalactites
(B) Stalagmites
(C) Slopes
(D) Curtains

6. The information in the passage is most relevant to which field of study?
(A) Geography
(B) Archaeology
(C) Physics
(D) Geology

7. “ Curtains” can also be called …
(A) column.
(B) draperies.
(C) stalagmites.
(D) rims.

8. The word "speleothem" comes from which language?
(A) Latin
(B) French
(C) Greek
(D) English

9. Stalagmites are formed by …
(A) drops of water which enter the cave through cracks in the ceiling.
(B) underground rivers which flow through the cave.
(C) water which seeps through the cave floor.
(D) water which trickles down a slope.

10. Which speleothem hangs from the ceiling of a cave?
(A) Stalagmites
(B) Stalactites
(C) Columns
(D) Rimstones

Questions 11-20 refer to the following passage.

Horse owner who plan to breed one or more mares should have a working knowledge of heredity and know how to care for breeding animals and foals. The number of mares bred that actually conceive varies from about 40 to 85 percent, with the average running less than 50 percent. Some mares that do conceive fail to produce living foals. This means that, on average, two mares are kept a whole year to produce one foal, and even then, some foals are disappointments from the standpoint of quality.

By careful selection, breeders throughout history have developed various kinds of horses with a wide variety of characteristics to suit many different needs. The Great Horse of the Middle Ages, for example was bred for size and strength to carry a heavily armored knight. The massive horses of such breeds are often called “cold blooded.” The Arabs bred lithe dessert horses that were small and swift. These animal are often referred to as “hot blooded.” Cross-breeding of hot blooded and cold-blooded horses for certain characteristics produced breeds ranging from riding horses to draft horses.

The Thoroughbred id considered by many to be high point of elegance and fine selective breeding. Many person mistakenly apply the name Thoroughbred to any purebred horse. But a Thoroughbred is a distinct breed of running horses that traces its ancestry through the male line directly back to three Eastern stallions: the Byerly Turk, the Darley Arabian, and the Godolphin Barb. For convenience the breeds of horses are often divided into three major groups: (1) ponies, (2) heavy, or draft horses, and (3) light horses.

11. Which of the following is not an example of an Eastern stallion?
(A) Byerly Turk
(B) Darley Arabian
(C) Thoroughbred
(D) Godolphin Barb

12. Which of the following was NOT a characteristic of the Great Horse of the Middle Ages?
(A) Largesize
(B) Swiftness
(C) Strength
(D) “Cold-bloodedness”

13. It can be inferred from the passage that cold-blooded and hot-blooded horses were cross-bres for what reason?
(A) Such cross-breeding was a safer means of reproduction.
(B) Cross-bred horses were preferred by Arabs.
(C)By cross-breeding, horses with desirable mixed characteristic could be produced.
(D) Cross-breeding produced Thoroughbred horses.

14. In line 11. “lithe” most nearly means
(A) graceful
(B) clumsy
(C) massive
(D) bulky

15. Which of the following is NOT one of the major divisions of horse breeds?
(A) Draft horses
(B) Ponies
(C) Foals
(D) Light horses

16. According to the passage, which of the following horses is considered to be the finest purebred?
(A) Darley Arabian
(B) Thoroughbred
(C) Godolphin Barb
(D) Byerly Turk

17. To conceive is to …
(A) become sick.
(B) become pregnant.
(C) die.
(D) be born.

18. A foal is a
(A) male horse
(B) female horse
(C) old horse
(D) baby horse

19. The average amount of mares bred which actually conceive is less than what percent?
(A) 40
(B) 85
(C) 50
(D) 75

20. A mare is a
(A) Male horse
(B) Baby horse
(C) Female horse
(D) Old horse.

Questions 21-30 refer to the following passage.

We believe the Earth is about 4.6 billion years old. At percent we are forced to look to other bodies in the solar system for hints as to what the early history of the Earth was like. Studies of our moon, Mercury, Mars, and the large satelites of Jupiter and Saturn have provided ample evidence that all these large celestial bodies had formed. This same bombardment must have affected Earth as well. The lunar record indicates that the rate of impacts decreased to its present low level about 4 billion years ago. On Earth, subsequent erosion and crustal motions have obliterated the craters that must have formed during this epoch.

Scientists estimate the Earth’s age by measuring the ratios of various radioactive elements in rocks. The oldest Earth’s rocks tested thus far are about 3 1/3 billion years old. But no one knows whether these are oldest rocks on Earth. Tests on rocks form the moon and on meteorites show that these are about 4.6 billion years old. Scientists believe that this is the true age of the solar system and probably the true age of the Earth.

21. In line 8, the word “obliterated” means
(A) created
(B) destroyed
(C) changed
(D) eroded

22. According to this passage, how do scientists estimate the age of the Earth?
(A) By measuring the ratios of radioactive elements in rocks
(B) By examining fossils
(C) By studying sunspots
(D) By examining volcanic activity

23. Scientists estimate the age of the Earth as …
(A) 3 1/3 billion years old.
(B) 4 billion years old.
(C) 4.6 billion years old.
(D) 6 billion years old.

24. Which of the following processes led to the obliteration of the craters formed by the bombardment of the Earth by the celestial bodies?
(A) Volcanic activity
(B) Solar radiation
(C) Gravity
(D) Crustal motions

25. According to the passage, why are scientists forced to look at other bodies in the solar system to determine the early history of the Earth?
(A) Human alteration of the Earth
(B) Erosion and crustal motions
(C) Solar flares
(D) Deforestation

26. What is the BEST title for this passage?
(A) “Determining the Age of the Earth”
(B) “Determining the Age of the Solar System”
(C) “Erosion and Crustal Motion of Earth”
(D) “Radioactive Elements in Rocks”

27. Which of the following bodies was NOT studied to give evidence that the Earth was bombarded in its early history?
2010 nfl draft rankings Actions 2010 draft prospects Arabs Barb Begins Billion
Blooded Breeder Caverns 2010 nfl draft rankings Actions 2010 draft prospects

(A) Mars
(B) Mercury
(C) Jupiter
(D) Earth’s moon

28. Bombardment of the Earth at one time by various sized bodies is
(A) inferred from what happened on other planetary bodies.
(B) documented fact.
(C) proven by the lunar record.
(D) indicated by erosion.

29. The level of impacts of the bombardments of Earth have
(A) decreased to below normal.
(B) increased to a current high.
(C)increased after a periodic low.
(D) decreased to a current low.

30. In line 6, the word “bombardment” means
(A) an avoidance.
(B) an assault.
(C) an effect.
(D) a cause.


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