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Human Resources Manager
PT. Astrea Graphica Visual
Jl. Jend. Sudirman kav.25
Jakarta Selatan

Dear Sir/Madame;

I read your advertisement on Media Indonesia 2nd January 2010 edition, and I would like to apply for the position offered.

I was graduated from Bina Nusantara University Jakarta on 2007, majoring in Graphic Design. I have 3 years working experience in Graphic Design department at PT. Penerbitan Grahamedia, and successfully handling the graphic design for its several top rated magazines such as Indosehat, Gadisku and Komputekhno.

Enclosed are my resume and recent photograph. I will appreciate an interview opportunity where I can convince you that my service will be an asset to your company. I hope my educational background and excellent achievement on current works merit to your consideration.

Thank you for kind attention. I am looking forward to your reply.


Fathia Feminita

Jakarta, December 20, 2010


Unitama Megatrading Corp

Human Resources Department

Puri Kembangan Street Kav.102

Jakarta Barat

Dear Sir,

I know that Unitama Megatrading Corp. is one of the biggest retail product distributors in Indonesia, and I am sure it would be an excellent career opportunity to join in and work for this respective company.

I would like to apply for direct marketing and sales officer position in your company. I am in good health, willing to work, fast learning, and work well with others. I have my own vehicle, driving license A and C. Also, I have good communication skill and speak English fluently both oral and written.

I was graduated from Akademi Manajemen Perusahaan (AMP) YKPN Yogyakarta, majoring in Marketing Management in December 2003, and have been working for Pratama Corp Retails in sales and marketing department since January 2004. I believe my 2 years experience in this related field would be useful for me to contribute your company better.

I would greatly appreciate an opportunity to convince you that my services would be an asset to your company. I assure you that a high level of efficiency would be applied to any assignment given to me. I hope my qualifications and experiences merit to your consideration.

Thank you for kind attention, and I am looking forward to your reply.

Yours Faithfully,

Abdul Malik

Curriculum Vitae

Personal Details
Name                                           :  Abdul Malik
Permanent address                       :  Jend. Soedirman Street No. 2 Jakarta Pusat
Recent address                             :  Mawar Street No. 3 Jakarta Barat
Faculty / Majority / intake           :  Marketing Management
Phone / cell phone                        :  021 – 012345 / 085123456789
Gender                                          :  Male
Place / Date of Birth                     :  Banyumas, 29 April 1987
Email                                            :
Religion                                        :  Islam
Hobby                                           :  Traveling, reading and writing

Job Preference
Department which chosen            :  marketing and sales officer
Reason                                          :  I have 2 years experience in the marketing and sales

Professional Qualifications
Skills                                             :  Work well with others, own vehicle, driving license A and C, good communication skill and speak English fluently both oral and written.
English background                      :  – Primaga Course for 2 years
– ELTU English Course for 1 year

Strength                                        :  Good communication and leadership
Weakness                                      :  I cannot control of my emotion
Disease (if any)                             :  Stomach illness.

Your Photo

(3 x 4)

4th September, 2010

TO : Human Resources Department
Jl. Ambengan No. 1 / O

Dear Sir,

Referring to your advertisement on Jawa Pos newspaper dated on August 30th, 2003 and with my firm belief of your well established company and lead me submit this resume to fill Administration position offered in your company.

I am 24 years old, innovative, energetic, highly ambitious, and good leadership. I am fresh graduated from Accounting Department, State Politechnic Of Malang, with predicate “VERY SATISFACTORY” and GPA 2.90 (scale 4).

I have been usual work in a team and in organization. I can learn anything fast with inisiative and great will to succeed. I am certain it all can be useful to work well in this company, and I would appreciate if you give me the opportunity to discuss my qualification in person.

For detail, I enclosed my CV, Academic Transcript and a recent photograph. Hopefully I may have the opportunity of proving my capability by being granted an interview.
Thank you for your kind attention.

Yours faithfully,

Dwi Noviana

Monday, October 17, 2013

To : HRD Department
Bebek Industri Street VII/15
SIER Surabaya

Dear Sir,

According to the advertisement about vacancy in your company, I feel I have the necessary qualification needed for the position that you advertised in your company.
Kindly please allow me to apply a position:
Accounting and Finance Staff
I am 26 years old, innovative, energetic, highly ambitious, and good leadership. I am graduated from Accounting Department, State Polytechnic of Malang, with predicate “VERY SATISFACTORY” and GPA 2.90 (scale 4).
I have been usual work in a team and in organization. I can learn anything fast with initiative and great will to succeed. I am certain it all can be useful to work well in this company, and I would appreciate if you give me the opportunity to discuss my qualification in person.
For detail, I enclosed my CV, Academic Transcript and a recent photograph. Hopefully I may have the opportunity of proving my capability by being granted an interview.
Thank you for your kind attention.

Yours faithfully,

Dwi Noviana


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