Indefinite pronouns
Pronoun jenis ini menjelaskan satu atau lebih dari objek yang umum seperti benda, atau tempat.
Exp: another, anyone, anything, each, anywhere, none, somebody, something, everyone, dan everything.
Contoh kalimat:
- That fruit is juicy. May I have another?
- Do you have anything to ask?
- I have two bags, each costs IDR 150.000.
- Everything I need is in my suitcase.
- This house is new, but that one is old.
- I feel bad today, I will not go anywhere.
Contoh kalimat:
- That fruit is juicy. May I have another?
- Do you have anything to ask?
- I have two bags, each costs IDR 150.000.
- Everything I need is in my suitcase.
- This house is new, but that one is old.
- I feel bad today, I will not go anywhere.
Personal pronouns
Pronoun jenis ini merupakan kata ganti yang berfungsi menggantikan subjek dan objek sebagai kata ganti penamaan.
Exp: me, you, her, him, it, us, dan them.
Contoh kalimat:
- I gave this book to Anita yesterday. She feels great when read it.
- My mother take a glass with her. She wants fill it with the juice.
Contoh kalimat:
- I gave this book to Anita yesterday. She feels great when read it.
- My mother take a glass with her. She wants fill it with the juice.
Reflexive pronouns
Pronoun jenis ini digunakan untuk menunjukan tindakan yang dilakukan oleh subjek dan lebih menekankan pada unsur subjek itu sendiri.
Exp: myself, yourself, themselves, ourselves, himself, herself, dan itself.
Contoh kalimat:
- Sunny made this book by herself.
- He enjoyed himself by watching two movies.
- The children are old enough to look after themselves.
Contoh kalimat:
- Sunny made this book by herself.
- He enjoyed himself by watching two movies.
- The children are old enough to look after themselves.
Demonstrative pronouns
Pronoun yang digunakan untuk menunjukan arah, lokasi, atau tempat suatu benda berada.
Exp: this, these, that, dan those.
Contoh kalimat:
- That is a basketball.
- These are my works.
Contoh kalimat:
- That is a basketball.
- These are my works.
Possessive pronouns
Pronoun jenis ini digunakan untuk menunjukan kepemilikan suatu barang.
Exp: my, your, his, her, its, our, their, mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, dan theirs.
Contoh kalimat:
- This green bag is hers.
- This small car is mine. Those are theirs.
- This is not your suitcase. I think that is yours.
Contoh kalimat:
- This green bag is hers.
- This small car is mine. Those are theirs.
- This is not your suitcase. I think that is yours.
Relative pronouns
Pronoun jenis ini digunakan untuk memperkenalkan adjective clause yang menerangkan kata benda (noun).
Exp: who, whom, whose, which, dan that.
Contoh kalimat:
I like people who have many joke to tell.
I found the wallet that belong my mother.
The man who you met yesterday is my grandfather.
Contoh kalimat:
I like people who have many joke to tell.
I found the wallet that belong my mother.
The man who you met yesterday is my grandfather.
Interrogative pronoun
Pronoun jenis ini digunakan untuk menanyakan orang, benda atau suatu pilihan.
Exp: who, whom, whose, why, which, dan what.
Contoh kalimat:
- What is broken?
- Who has make you sad?
- Which shop sold the kimchi?
Contoh kalimat:
- What is broken?
- Who has make you sad?
- Which shop sold the kimchi?
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