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Menampilkan postingan dari Maret, 2020

Write a Company Profile

Whether you are a small startup or a company powerhouse, you’ll need to create your very own company profile. And what you might think is super interesting for you can be an utter snooze fest for the reader, making you miss the chance of successfully marketing your brand. To ensure you’ve got all the right information to entice your reader, you need to turn the traditional business profile on its head and think more about your audience than yourself. 1. Identify the Profile’s Purpose Many businesses use company profiles for different scenarios, including company websites, trade portfolios and investment plans. So, before you even put pen to paper, it’s vital to identify the sole purpose of the profile. You can adapt it at a later stage if needed! Let’s say your profile is for your business website. Make a list of topics you’d want to know as a reader and make sure the tone used when writing matches your target audience. You don’t want to make it sound stuffy by bombarding a time...

PARIWISATA: Daya Tarik Wisata

Pengertian Usaha Daya Tarik Wisata Usaha adalah upaya atau kegiatan yang mandiri. Daya tarik adalah sesuatu yang memiliki keunikan, keindahan, dan keanekaragaman alam dan budaya yang menjadi sasaran. Wisata adalah perjalanan atau berpergian yang menyenangkan. Usaha Daya Tarik Wisata adalah upaya atau kegiatan yang menggunakan sesuatu yang memiliki keunikan, keindahan dari alam maupun budaya yang dimiliki oleh masyarakat yang menjadi sasaran tertentu guna untuk kunjungan wisatawan. Pengertian Kawasan Pariwisata Berdasarkan UU No.9 Tahun 1990 dijelaskan bahwa pengertian kawasan wisata adalah suatu kawasan yang mempunyai luas tertentu yang dibangun dan disediakan untuk kegiatan pariwisata. Apabila dikaitkan dengan pariwisata air, pengertian tersebut berarti suatu kawasan yang disediakan untuk kegiatan pariwisata dengan mengandalkan obyek atau daya tarik kawasan perairan. Menurut Inskeep (1991:77) kawasan wisata sebagai area yang dikembangkan dengan penyediaan fasilitas dan pela...

PARIWISATA: Sumber Daya Wisata & Daya Tarik Wisata

SUMBER DAYA WISATA Keadaan alam, flora, dan fauna, sebagai karunia Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, serta peninggalan purbakala, peninggalan sejarah, seni, dan budaya yang dimiliki bangsa Indonesia merupakan sumber daya dan modal pembangunan kepariwisataan (UU RI No. 10/2009). Sumber daya wisata merupakan sinonim dari daya tarik wisata potensial yang dalam beberapa kasus tertentu menimbulkan perbedaan pendapat. Hal ini disebabkan terdapat persepsi bahwa semua daya tarik wisata adalah sumber daya wisata, tetapi sumber daya wisata belum tentu dapat menjadi daya tarik wisata (Kusen, 2010). Fitur-fitur dari sebuah destinasi yang diberi nilai sebagai daya tarik oleh wisatawan dalam periode waktu tertentu (Weaver & Lawton, 2006). Sumber daya pariwisata baru dianggap sebagai sumber daya apabila memiliki nilai kegunaan, dan bahwa kebudayaan dan kebangsaan yang berbeda dapat memiliki persepsi yang berbeda pula tentang nilai kepariwisataan dari objek yang sama (Lucas 1964: 409). Sumbe...

Things You Should Know About Invoice

Invoice is a document that is used as proof of purchase containing the amount of payment to be paid by the buyer. In running a small or large business, you must still send an invoice every time there is a sales transaction. If you run a large business, chances are you will send dozens of invoices (invoices) to customers every day. Some tips for writing invoices effectively: Easy to Understand In the beginning, make sure you create invoices that are simple and easily understood by customers. Because not all customers are people who understand accounting, so it's important to make bills that are easy to understand. You can include the name of the goods or services in a way that is easy for customers to understand by writing the full name of the product making it easier for customers to know what goods or services they ordered even if only at a glance. Don't forget to place your company logo in the right position to help customers identify your business. In addition, by pe...

Writing a Product Description

Product descriptions play a huge part in generating sales. But what should they say? How long should they be? What format is best? How do I make them rank high in search engines? We suggest using the following template to ensure you are crafting the best product description. Think about the who, what, where, when, why and how before writing. Journalists utilize the Who, What, Where, When, Why and How method for getting across the facts of their stories, and following this process is the first step in crafting a compelling product description: Who is this product for? The target audience can be a gender (women or men), an age group (college kids, retirees), a lifestyle demographic (new mothers, car enthusiasts) or some other defined group of people. What are the product’s basic details? This includes attributes such as dimensions, materials, product features and functions. Where would someone use this product? Is it meant for indoor or outdoor use, for your car or your home? Whe...

The 7 Ps of Marketing

The 7 Ps of Marketing The 7 Ps are a set of recognized marketing tactics, which you can use in any combination to satisfy customers in your target market. The 7 Ps are controllable but subject to your internal and external marketing environments. Combining these different marketing tactics to meet your customers' needs and wants is known as using a 'tactical marketing mix'. Product Product refers to what you are selling, including all of the features, advantages, and benefits that your customers can enjoy from buying your goods or services. When marketing your product, you need to think about the key features and benefits your customers want or need, including (but not limited to) styling, quality, repairs, and accessories. You can use research and development to inform the development of new products in your business. Price This refers to your pricing strategy for your products and services and how it will affect your customers. You should identify how ...