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Things You Should Know About Invoice

Invoice is a document that is used as proof of purchase containing the amount of payment to be paid by the buyer. In running a small or large business, you must still send an invoice every time there is a sales transaction. If you run a large business, chances are you will send dozens of invoices (invoices) to customers every day. Some tips for writing invoices effectively:

Easy to Understand
In the beginning, make sure you create invoices that are simple and easily understood by customers. Because not all customers are people who understand accounting, so it's important to make bills that are easy to understand. You can include the name of the goods or services in a way that is easy for customers to understand by writing the full name of the product making it easier for customers to know what goods or services they ordered even if only at a glance. Don't forget to place your company logo in the right position to help customers identify your business. In addition, by personalizing invoices with business logos, this will make your company look more professional and increase opportunities for getting paid.

Send to the Right Person
When sending an invoice, you must ensure that the person receiving the invoice is the right person, so they can process it immediately. Require accuracy or at least double check before sending an invoice to reduce the risk of this error. There are some common mistakes, sending to the wrong person and sending to too many people. Sending an invoice to the wrong person can make your bill will not be paid, while sending to many people will make the recipient assume that someone else will take care of it, so that the possibility of an invoice being ignored will be even greater.

Give Early Payment Limits
If you include a 30 day payment limit on your invoice, there is always the possibility that the customer will pay it 2 weeks later than the specified limit. If you feel the value of your bills is very important and greatly affects cash if you pay more than 30 days, then try to advance the payment threshold on the invoice. This is very fair when considering that your business has provided the best service for customers.

Send Invoice As Soon As Possible
After completing all shipments of goods and completing business agreements, it helps you immediately send an invoice to your customers. Sending an invoice as soon as possible, will help encourage them to pay faster. In addition, sending invoices faster will allow customers to remember the service you have done, thus encouraging them to make payments immediately.

Offer a Flexible Payment Method
One reason why customers tend to postpone invoice payments is because there is no easy payment access. Usually the customer must transfer or if the amount is very large, then he must go to the nearest bank. Just imagine how difficult it would be if this happened considering there are still many other jobs to be done. By offering many payment methods to customers, you can make their payments easier. In this way, they will feel happy and helped to do their business, because convenience and efficiency are everything in the business world.

Provide Incentives for Early Payment
If you notice that your customer is delaying payment until the last date, it might be time to start giving payment incentives early by offering a small discount for invoices that are paid in advance as a reward. By rewarding your customers for their business, you will be able to encourage customer loyalty and ensure they pay their bills immediately.



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